Erbe mediche in ayurveda: Vatsnabh – Aconitum

Sanskrit: Vatsnábh
Hindi: Mídhavis
English: Aconite, Monk’s Hood
Latin: Aconitum felconeri Stapf.
Part Used: Leaves, seeds, roots
Habitat: Throughout India
Energetics: VP+ K
Tissues: All, mainly blood/nerves
Systems: All systems, especially the nervous system
Action: Small doses—Anodyne, antidiabetic, antiperiodic, antiphlogistic, antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic. Large doses—poison, sedative, narcotic; metabolized quickly. It is related to and acting with Vyán Váyu.
Uses: Enhances the properties of herbs, making them work faster (i.e., for emergencies and immediate relief).

Leaves—indigestion, sedative; Externally— neuralgia (especially facial), tetanus (acute and chronic), rheumatism (articular and muscular), gout, erysipelas, heart disorders.

Internally—fevers, pain, increase urine flow. Root (external)— lepa for neuralgia, muscular rheumatism, itching with erythema, nasal catarrh, tonsillitis, sore throat, coryza, acute gout, leprosy, paralysis (alterative and nervine tonic), spermatorrhea, incontinence, and diabetes (decreases urine and sugar quantity). Root (internal)—fever, rheumatism, cough, asthma, snake bites, inflammations of mucus membranes of the throat, nose, stomach, and intestines.

Preparation: Tincture, extract from fresh leaves and flower tops; external liniment, poultice, homeopathic formula
Precaution: Poisonous without proper purification.
The root is not used internally with heart disease.
May cause severe headaches. Use only with the advice of a qualified practitioner.

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