Erbe mediche in ayurveda: Valeriana indiana

Sanskrit: Tagara
Hindi: Tagar, Bala-tagra, Sugandh-bala
English: Indian Valerian
Latin: Valeriana wallichii DC. (V. leschenauitic, V. brunoniana)
Part Used: Rhizome (root)
Habitat: Himalayan temperate regions, Kashmir, Bhutan; Afghanistan
Energetics: Bitter, pungent, sweet, astringent- hotpungent
VK- P+
Tissues: Plasma, muscle, marrow/nerve
Systems: Nervous, digestive, respiratory

Action: Stimulant, antispasmodic, stomachic, sedative, analeptic, carminative, nervine
Uses: Diminishes irritability of the brain and spinal marrow; nervous cough, dysmenorrhea, palpitations, migraine, chronic skin disorders, gas, colic, vertigo, nervous debility, failing reflexes, spasms, menopausal spasms, menstrual cramps, G.I. fermentation, insomnia, delirium, neuralgia, convulsions, nervous exhaustion, mental stress, and overwork;
hysteria, epilepsy. One of the best herbs for Váyu nervous disorders; cleanses undigested toxins (áma) from the colon, blood, joints, and nerves; clears nerve channels from excess Váyu; fainting; mixed with calamus (vachá) it is less dulling (4:1).

Spiritual Uses: It is tamasic, not recommended for meditation
Preparation: Infusion, decoction, powder, pills
Precaution: Excessive use may dull the mind. Excessive doses may cause central paralysis and other severe conditions. Use only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner

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