Queste antiche terapie, nate prima della civilizzazione moderna, basate sull’utilizzo sapiente delle erbe, continuano ad essere utilizzate oggi e sono una panacea per il corpo e per la mente. Le foglie e i fiori sono spremuti per ottenere il succo, radici e semi sono pestati e bolliti in acqua per ottenere la loro essenza. L’ayurveda, l’arte dello star bene e la scienza del vivere, rimuove le cause di malattie e restituisce equilibrio al corpo...
These ancient therapies, born before modern civilization, based on the wise use of herbs, continue to be used today and are a panacea for body and mind . The leaves and flowers are pressed to obtain the juice, roots and seeds are pounded and boiled in water to obtain their essence... Ayurveda, the art of well-being and the science of living, removes the causes of disease and restores balance to the body.
These ancient therapies, born before modern civilization, based on the wise use of herbs, continue to be used today and are a panacea for body and mind . The leaves and flowers are pressed to obtain the juice, roots and seeds are pounded and boiled in water to obtain their essence... Ayurveda, the art of well-being and the science of living, removes the causes of disease and restores balance to the body.