Sanskrit: Lochana
Hindi: Vamsh Lochan, Bans
English: Bamboo Manna
Latin: Bumbusa arundinacia Retz. (B. apous, B.orientalls, B. spinosa)
Part Used: [Two varieties (blue, white)] Inner stalks or stems of female plant (silicous deposit)/ milky bark; leaves, young shoots, seeds, roots
Habitat: Himalayas; 4,000 feet, and throughout India
Energetics: Sweet, astringent-cold-sweet PV- K+
Tissues: Plasma, blood, marrow/nerve
Systems: Circulatory, nervous, respiratory
Action: Demulcent, expectorant, tonic,rejuvenative, antispasmodic, hemostatic; leaves—emmenagogue, anthelmintic; stimulant, febrifuge,tonic, aphrodisiac
Uses: Excellent for colds, coughs, fevers, and asthma; bleeding, emaciation, debility, dehydration, vomiting, consumption, excellent Pitta reducing herb, lungs. Nurtures heart, liver, and soothes the nervous system; relieves thirst, anxiety, improves the blood, skin disorders, threadworms in children, palpitation, coma, rejuvenative, strengthening after chronic diseases, sedative, tissue deficiency.
Leaves—eaten by pets. External poultice— dislodge worms from ulcers. Young shoots—ulcer worms (external—juice poured on bandage). Leaf bud—decoction for discharge of menses after delivery or when scanty.
Preparation: Decoction, milk decoction, powder
Precaution: Increases congestion if not balanced with pungent herbs like ginger