Erbe mediche in ayurveda: Liquirizia (Yasthimadu)

Sanskrit: Yasthiímadhu
Hindi: Mithi-lakdi, Mulathi
English: Licorice
Latin: Glycyzrrhiza glabra Linn.
Part Used: Root
Habitat: Found in many countries
Energetics: Sweet, bitter-cold-sweet VP- K+ (only if used long term)
Tissues: All Systems: Digestive, excretory, nervous, reproductive, respiratory
Action: Demulcent, emetic, expectorant, laxative,  rejuvenative, sedative, tonic
Uses: Excellent for acidity, voice, and heart tonic (with warm milk), Váyu doßha, bronchitis, colds, cough, laryngitis, general debility, emetic (in large doses), inflammation, mental calming, mucus liquefying and expectorating, mucus membrane toner and soother, muscle spasms, sore throat, ulcers (contains natural ulcer-healing steroid precursers), urination pain.  Cleanses lungs and stomach of Kapha. For colds and flu, mix with ginger (1:1).  Blood purification, abdominal pain, nourishes the brain—increasing cranial and cerebrospinal fluid. Improves complexion, hair, and vision.

Spiritual Uses: Sattwic; gives contentment and  harmony
Precautions: Excess Kapha, edema, stops calcium and potassium absorption, not for osteoporosis, hypertension (increases water around heart). Precautions are removed when taken in boiled milk or de-glycerized (DGL) form is used . Do not use when pregnant.
Preparation: Decoction, milk decoction, powder, ghee

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