Sanskrit: Ámalakí (meaning: the nurse)
Hindi: Ámla
E n g l i s h : Emblic myrobalan; Indian Gooseberry
Latin: Emblica o f f i c i n a l i s Euphorbiaceae
Part Used: Fruit
H a b i t a t : Himalayas, sea coasts, Kashmir, Deccan
Energetics: Mostly sour, but include all tastes (except salty)-cold-sweet VP- (K+ and áma in excess)
Tissues: All; increases ojas
Systems: Circulatory, digestive, excretory
Action: Aphrodisiac, astringent, hemostatic, laxative, nutritive tonic, refrigerant, rejuvenative (for Pitta), stomachic
Uses: All Pitta diseases, all obstinate urinary conditions, anemia, biliousness, bleeding, colitis, constipation, convalescence from fever, diabetes, gastritis, gout, hair (premature gray/balding), hepatitis, hemorrhoids, liver weakness, mental disorders, osteoporosis, palpitation, spleen weakness, tissue deficiency, vertigo; rebuilds blood, bones, cells, and tissues. It increases red blood cell count and regulates
blood sugar; heart tonic, cleanses mouth, stops gum bleeding, stops stomach and colon inflammation; cleanses intestines, strengthens teeth, aids eyesight, highest natural source of vitamin C (3,000 mg. per fruit), worms, acidity, eye and lung inflammations, ulcerations, G.I. disorders, painful urination, internal bleeding.
Spiritual benefits: It is sattwic (pure) in quality, gives love, longevity, and good fortune. For mothers who behave angrily towards their children, it calms and balances their emotions. For children who have lost their mother, it fills them with the sense that their mother is there. Thus, ámalakí has another name, dhatri, meaning “mother” in Sanskrit
Precautions: May cause acute diarrhea in Pitta doßhas. Pregnancy
Prepared: Decoction, powder (1/4-3 tsp.), sweets
Tutte le informazioni riguardanti le patologie, le relative terapie e i prodotti sono solo a carattere informativo e non intendono incoraggiare la sostituzione del rapporto tra il paziente e il medico curante