Sanskrit: Bhútrin
Hindi: Gandhatrana, Harí-chaha
English: Lemon grass
Latin: Andropogon citratus DC. (A. Shoenanthus)
Part Used: Essential oil, herb
Habitat: Grows wild in gardens in India, Sri Lanka and other tropics, in cultivated areas
Energetics: Pungent, bitter-cold-pungent PK- (V+ excess)
Tissues: Fat, nerves
Systems: Nervous, metabolic
Action: Antispasmodic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue,
stimulant; oil—carminative, refrigerant, stomachic, tonic
Uses: Bowel spasms, colic, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea,(neuralgic), fever, gas, colds, G.I. spasms,intestinal mucus membrane tonic and stimulant;vomiting.
Oil/external—bath, perfume, and hair oils; with coconut for lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, pains, ringworm; excellent tea for Pitta and kidneys.
Precautions: None
Preparation: Infusion or decoction of leaves, powder
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