Sanskrit: Balá (meaning: strength giving)
Hindi: Bariar
English: Country Mallow
Latin: Sida cordifolia Linn. (S. herbacea, S.rotundifolia, S. althaeitolia.)
Part Used: Root
Habitat: Grows wild along roadsides throughout the tropical and sub-tropical plains of India and Sri Lanka
Energetics: Sweet-cold-sweet VPK= (K and áma+ in excess)
Tissues: All—especially marrow/nerves
Systems: Circulatory, nervous, reproductive, urinary, respiratory
Action: Analgesic, aphrodisiac, demulcent, diuretic, nervine, rejuvenative, stimulant, tonic, vulnerary
Uses: A main herb for heart and body strength. Heart disease and stimulant; facial paralysis, TB, urinary conditions, heals tissues of chronic inflammation, sciatica, insanity, neuralgia and nerve inflammation; removes deep seated, chronic, and intermittent fevers (with ginger), chronic rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, emaciation, muscular
strength, exhaustion, sexual debility, cystitis, dysentery, leukorrhea, convalescence, arthritis. Externally it is good for numbness, nerve pain, muscle cramps, skin disorders, tumors, joint diseases, wounds, and ulcers. For cancer, it strengthens persons before and after chemotherapy.
Precautions: Do not take in excess if congested
Preparation: Decoction, powder, medicated oil. For serious illness like cancer, use one or more ounces
Tutte le informazioni riguardanti le patologie, le relative terapie e i prodotti sono solo a carattere informativo e non intendono incoraggiare la sostituzione del rapporto tra il paziente e il medico curante